Commit to excellence in meeting customer expectations.
Ensure that ethical conduct is recognized, valued and exemplified by all employees.
Comply with the rules and regulations of all government authorities to ensure good service, quality workmanship and public safety.
Agree to complete all work in full compliance with the Ontario Electrical Safety Code.
Agree to engage in fair business practices, including: Following proper tendering procedures. Maintenance of appropriate liability insurance. Using qualified and certified employees. Avoidance of conflict-of-interest situations.
Respect and welcome fair competition, keeping customers' best interests at the forefront.
Recognize the value of education and strive for continuous improvement of best practices and procedures for employees and customers alike.
Provide a safe and healthy workplace.
Strive to make a positive contribution to local community endeavors and contribute as a good corporate citizen.
See value in maintaining OEL membership, and use the association, its members, products and services wherever possible.